I Am Sorry Messages For Boss And Clients


The work environment is a place with people with different personality traits which requires a high level understanding and forgiveness every now and then. The tendency to step on the toes of others, make sincere mistakes is very common in The business world. 

However, making peace and maintaining healthy relationships with Staffs, Employer, and Clients is important because it will help foster your business. Here are some I Am Sorry Messages you could use to make it right with with your Boss/Clients.


I Am Sorry Messages For Boss

  • I would hate for this amazing relationship we share to end because of my carelessness. I am sorry for the wrong actions I took yesterday, sir.
  • You’re more than a boss to me. You’re a brother, friends, and councilor. I am sorry for coming all out at you yesterday, sir. That was rude of me.
  • Dear [Sir/Madam], I am sorry for all the absenteeism of mine which has led to poor generation of revenue for the company this month. I promise to put in more effort next month.
  • My one silly mistake led to a major loss to the company. I deeply regret my lack of paying attention to details. Please forgive me sir. Please give me another chance to correct my mistakes.
  • I am sorry but I didn’t mean to be disrespectful. I sincerely apologise for the hurting sentiments.
  • I am sorry for displaying an utter lapse of sense today. I take total responsibility for my actions and apologise once again for my unfounded behavior.
  • My poor presentation did not impress our client- that I admit. I am sorry for the blunder. I should have done better. It won’t happen again.
  • In my eagerness to prove myself, I have neglected being a team player. This has caused the company valuable time and productivity. I am sorry for this mistake. I have realised the value of teamwork.
  • To my boss, I seek forgiveness thought this SMS and hope you will forgive me for my mistakes. I am much lucky to have a Boss/Director/Employer who tends to all employees and friends equally.

I Am Sorry Messages For Clients 

  • We value you as a customer and wouldn’t want to ruin the beautiful relationship we’ve had over the years. You’re special to us. Please do forgive us for poor service delivery.
  • We apologise for the rude treatment you got from one of our staffs. We deeply regret any inconveniences that may have caused you. We promise to get to the bottom of this to prevent future occurrence.
  • We’re sorry that you had to experience poor room service on your last visit to our hotel on your last visit. We are taking this into serious consideration, and will give you the best on your next visit. Do visit us again whenever you’re in town. Thank you.
  • A misconduct should not be tolerated because the customer is always right. We apologise for the unprofessional treatment you got from us. We apologise.
  • Dear Customer, we are sorry for the one hour break in transmission. The situation was due to unforseen circumstances, but we are pleased to tell you that the issue has been corrected.
  • Dear Customer, please accept our deepest apologies for not meeting up on the agreed deadline for the delivery of goods. We are working rigorously on making sure you get your package within a short while from now. Thank you for understanding.
  • We’re extremely sorry for the bad services you’ve been getting from us of late. Please bear with us as we fix our issues so that we can give you the best in future.
  • Thank you, Miss/Master/Mr/Mrs [ABC], for bringing this matter to our notice. Some of the best technicians are working on it to see that this problem never occurs again. We are sorry for the inconveniences this may have caused you. Thank you once again.
  • We would like to express our deepest regret for the inconvenience caused by this unintentional and rare mistake. We are very sorry that you’re not satisfied with our products. We apologise.



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