Chronic Catarrh: Causes, Symptoms, Effects, and Treatments


Postnasal drip as referred to by doctors also known as catarrh is when mucus is formed in the back of the nose, throat, or sinuses. You might be suffering from catarrh if you’re having symptoms like an itchy nose, build-up of mucus, and difficulty in smelling.

Catarrh is a result of inflammation in your nostrils and mostly affects the back of the nose, the throat, or the sinuses. Experiencing a runny nose can be difficult to live with especially when you have a commitment that demands physical presence. Sometimes, getting rid of catarrh can be difficult. However, there is a reliable treatment for it: both traditional, home, and modern treatment.

Mucus is a sticky, slippery, stringy, and gelatinous substance produced by many tissues that line your lungs, throat, mouth, nose, and sinuses.


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The cause of catarrh can be traced to different external and internal variables, some of which include: External Variables such as Change of environment or weather, Perfume, Alcohol, Spicy food, Ciagarret smoke, Dust, Cold (be it as a result of a heavy downpour, snow, or an Air Conditioner), Damp ill-ventilated places.

Internal variables such as malaria & typhoid (This is a common illness that can be found in countries with polluted water and mosquitos. This illness mostly starts with a headache, body ache, itchy throat, and catarrh).

For unknown reasons, some people have abnormally sensitive blood vessels that react negatively to environmental triggers, such as cigarette smoke and pollution. As a result, this causes affected blood vessels to swell in a similar manner resulting in an infection or allergic reaction. As such, this swelling leads to congestion and catarrh.

In addition, Catarrh is caused by the body’s natural defenses which is the immune system, reacting to an infection or irritation.

It is important to note that whatever drains the body system favors the development of catarrh.


There is a general symptom of catarrh which is consistent sneezing. While it is very normal to sneeze as a living being, the first symptom that you experience and tells you you’re about to suffer from catarrh is sneezing. This type of sneeze usually comes with some sort of body weakness and shiver.

Other Symptoms of Catarrh include:

  • A blocked or a stuffy nose
  • A runny nose
  • Headache
  • Mucus (runs down the back of your throat)
  • Dry cough
  • Loss of smell or taste
  • Pain in the face
  • Tiredness
  • General body weakness
  • Mild hearing loss or an annoying crackling sensation in the middle ear

What Is Chronic Catarrh?

Chronic catarrh is an intense type of catarrh that can last for a decade or more. This type of catarrh is sometimes mistaken for Sinuses infection. There are basically two types of catarrh:

  •  Catarrh With Excess Mucus: This actually runs out of the nose. This type of catarrh is also known as rhinitis.
  • Excess of Mucus That Blocks The Nose: Following public review, those who have experienced this type of catarrh pointed out that they find it unbearable and are unable to clear anything out of their nose or their throat. Patients with chronic catarrh often suffer this type of catarrh, only intense.

At What Point Do We Say Catarrh is Chronic?

According to MedicalNewsToday, Catarrh can be said to be chronic when it persists for several months or more, or perhaps if one discovers that catarrh is making their everyday life unbearable.

Is Chronic Catarrh Transferrable?

Catarrh is and can be transferrable from one person to another. It is not limited to the carrier or recipient. It can be transferred to people within a confined space. Whether or not chronic catarrh is transferrable is not known. But the flu, catarrh, is highly transferrable.

How Long Can a Chronic Catarrh Last For?

As the condition that causes it improves, Catarrh will often pass in a few days or weeks. However, Chronic catarrh can last a lifetime if not treated right. There are people with medical records of chronic catarrh that has lasted for more than 30 years. In most cases, this type of catarrh can affect a person from childhood through to adulthood.

Causes Of Chronic Catarrh

Here are some of the causes of chronic catarrh. For some, the following are the primary causes of chronic catarrh.

  • Too much sex
  • Allergies
  • Cold -cold water or cold environment
  • Poor ventilation
  • Dust
  • Stress
  • Ceiling fan
  • Mosquito bites
  • An abnormal temperature (Too cold or too hot). E.g Too much A.C or too much heat.
  • Body relieving drugs that contain diclofenac
  • Genetics
  • Energy drink

The above listed can be avoided to control the flu.


Effects of Chronic Catarrh

Chronic catarrh comes with its own effects. Below are some common or known effects of Chronic catarrh.

  • Constant headache
  • Nose Blockage
  • Irritating mucus coming out every now and then
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Snoring


This section will outline some potential treatment options for Chronic catarrh. It compromises Traditional, Medical, and Home treatments.

Traditional or Herbal Treatment

Here are some potential traditional or herbal treatments for chronic catarrh

1. Weed, ginger, garlic, lemon, and honey.

  • With the help of a cooking pot.
  • Add a fresh bunch of weed leaves, ginger, garlic, natural honey to your taste and, a slice of lemon.
  • Pour in some water and bring the pot content to a boil.
  • When the herb is well cooked, measure a glass of it and drink while it’s still hot.

2. Hot Water Bath (Steaming)

  • Heat some water in a pot.
  • When the water comes to a boil, pour it inside a bucket or large bowl.
  • Cover yourself with a thick blanket or any thick material available.
  • Inhale the steam until your body starts to release sweat.
  • Do this at least thrice a week before bathing in the morning and at night.

3. Ginger Galic Tea

This is a legit health improver. This provides the body with heat and is used to treat different kinds of respiratory diseases including sinus and viruses like cold and catarrh. Ginger-garlic tea is believed to work like wildfire.

4. Ginger, Lemon, and Honey

For one, ginger alone is medicinal.

  • In a cooking pot, add some water, grounded ginger, and bring to a boil.
  • Strain the tea with a sieve into an empty bowl.
  • Squeeze in some lemon juice through the sieve so only the juice passes through.
  • Into a glass, pour in some of the hot tea and add one teaspoon of honey.
  • Drink morning and evening…take hot so as to keep your body warm.

Note: Avoid the ginger traditional treatment if you’re an ulcer patient.

Home Treatment

These home treatment does not replace doctor’s prescription but may help feel relieved and be able to expel catarrh easier.

  • Drinking of water (plenty of it as often as you can)
  • Sleeping on propped-up pillows. This helps to prevent snoring.
  • The use of an indoor humidifier
  • Bathing hot water or inhaling the steam during a hot shower
  • Taking of pure honey

Medical treatment

These are are a list of potential modern treatments for chronic catarrh.

  • Azithromycin: This is an anti-biotics that is widely used to treat chest infections such as pneumonia, infection of the nose and throat such as sinus infection (Sinusitis)
  • Loratadine
  • Vitamin C
  • Erythromycin – This is an antibiotic. It works by stopping the growth of bacteria in the body.
  • Perilon – Can be used to treat breathing problems, severe allergies, and much more.
  • Ipratropium (Atrovent)
  • Beclomethasone (Beconase)
  • Triamcinolone (Nasacort).
  • Surgery
  • See an ENT Doctor

Nonetheless, the above-listed treatments can relieve intense catarrh but may not provide a permanent cure for it

Is Sinusitis Infection The Same As Catarrh?

Sinusitis – an inflammation, or swelling, of the tissue lining the sinuses.Sinusitis infection – Inflammation of the sinuses that can lead to them getting blocked and filled with fluid or mucus can be referred to as Sinusitis infection. Sinusitis is usually caused by cold or allergies.

SEE ALSO: How to Drain Ear Sinus Fluid: Effective Techniques and Home Remedies

Final Thoughts

Catarrh can be irritating and sometimes embarrassing especially when you have to be on the road every day. However, there are potential treatments for it, see a doctor for proper diagnosis and get yourself treated.

Do you know about a more effective cure other than the ones we’ve provided? Please share in the comment below.


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